Member case study | What investment advice would you give your younger self?

Learn how Peter Ward, member of The Property Mentors, found the momentum to start building his property portfolio

  • August 2nd, 2022
At The Property Mentors we love helping our members to start, and grow, successful property portfolios. But it all begins with helping them to identify the goals that are most important to them, and then planning how they are going to achieve their by one, property by property. And the best thing is that sharing member success journeys – like Peter’s story below – can provide inspiration to other investors who want to get started and go on to achieve similar results!WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OVERALL INVESTMENT GOAL?HOW WAS YOUR INVESTING KNOWLEDGE BEFORE JOINING THE PROPERTY MENTORS?DID YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS ABOUT INVESTING IN PROPERTY?WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO JOIN THE PROPERTY MENTORS?WHAT CHALLENGES DID THE PROPERTY MENTORS HELP YOU OVERCOME?WHAT HAS BEEN THE BEST THING YOU’VE LEARNED ABOUT PROPERTY INVESTMENT? WHAT INVESTMENT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE YOUR YOUNGER SELF?We hope you’ve enjoyed hearing from Peter and more importantly – especially if you’re starting to think about retirement too (no matter how old, or young, you may be) – have taken inspiration from his experience! If you’d like to learn more about how to build long term wealth through Australian property, then take the first step and book in a discovery call with one of our specialist property mentors today. LIKE TO LEARN MORE? Read more about another successful member with The Property Mentors, Joshua Scott, in our blog article:Or, if you’d like to listen to our original interview with Peter, check out our Investor Intelligence podcast:
